Tuesday, April 15, 2008

3 days until New York Comicon

This Thursday, my buddy Jay, his girlfriend Emma and I will take a short 5 hour drive south to NYC to attend the annual New York Comicon...its kind of like the US version of Mecca for nerds. Here, comic fans from all over the US come to meet their favorite comic creators, pitch their wares and buy overpriced comic books.

Several of my favorite comic artists will be attending so I'm really looking forward to going. My favorite artist, who i met during my trip to Texas in November of 2006 will be there so needless to say, I'm having a bit of a geek meltdown right now.

I grew up in New Jersey and I would go to NYC quite often so i happen to know where some great little bookstores, cafes and sushi/sake bars are so this will be a nice week-end. I will take lots of pictures so if any of you out there read this blog or are even interested, there will be some cool pics early next week.

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