Wednesday, May 7, 2008

my deepest apologies, now on to the show

Due to a series of rather strange events last night, I'm a night behind with the "passing the year with a movie a week" part of my blog. If there is anyone out there who actually reads this and enjoys it, I'm sorry for taking a small bit of sunshine from your life...but now I'm back.

Tonight's feature is Transformers...the new live action one from last summer, not the animated CLASSIC from 1986, which is by far a superior movie to the live action one.

Don't get me wrong, I liked the live action Transformers. The effects were outstanding, the fights were cool although very brief and they used the original voice actor for Optimus Prime.

The problem is, it seemed like a cross between a movie about giant robots and one long commercial for General Motors. It just didn't feel like Transformers. The humans were featured way too heavily, all the Decepticons looked like insects and Megatron was only in the last 20mins of the movie.

I'm a huge Transformer fan so I'm not going to bitch about the flaws of a for the most part, enjoyable movie. For a giant robot movie, this movie a Transformers movie, it didn't.


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