Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It turns out that talking to strangers isnt so bad after all..

so i was down at borders today looking for books by the New Jersey Samurai...Anthony Bourdain. While I'm browsing the books, I was in my own world like i always am but I must have muttered something barely audible but loud enough for the girl behind me to hear it.

Before i know it, she starts showing me the books that she is holding and planning on buying and 2 of them are books by Bourdain himself. We started talking about books that we have already read by Bourdain and books that we are planning on reading and then we begun sharing our insights on Bourdain's books and philosophies. We made our way down to the cafe and continued our conversation over a few black coffee's and before we knew it, 2.5 hours had passed...she was late for work...what can I say...I'm charming.

I don't usually make it a habit to talk to strangers but today was rather enjoyable...I just might mutter things to myself more often.

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