Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Lie to me, tell me stories so beautiful.

another week down, only 47 left.

Ive started to make a list of all the things I want to see and do while Im in Japan. I dont know how Im going to fit it all in seeing as I am only going to be there for a week and a half. There are a lot of sights that I want to see and a lot of restaurants that I want to eat at....nothing fancy just some small noodle and sushi places that Ive heard and read about. I will be staying in Tokyo so the majority of my sight seeing time will be spent there. As I read more travel books, I will be able to write a detailed list of what I want to do.

I am going to get a JR Rail Pass so I can take a day trip to Kyoto and Osaka. According to one of my heroes, Anthony Bourdain, there are tons of cool things to see in both of those cities. Some of the things that I want to see are the Takara building, the Tamiya Building, The Sony building, the grave site of the 47 Ronin and Himeji Castle for starters. I will be there in April for Sakura season which is what Im looking forward to the most. I cant wait to grab a local beer and find a spot under a Sakura tree and do nothing but enjoy the view.

Next April is so far away.

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