Tuesday, May 13, 2008

another week down...only 46 left.

i have to admit...this little plan is actually working. Watching a movie every Tuesday and reading a chapter or 2 in a travel book about japan every Wednesday is really helping pass the time. Every week I find myself really looking forward to the coming Tuesday's and Wednesday's so I can watch a movie and read a travel book and add to my list of things that I want to see and do while in japan...right now I have about 3 full notebook pages full of stuff to see and do.

Tonight's feature:

Ryuhei Kitamura's violent, blood soaked action/horror masterpiece "Versus"

This film is great. It has tons of violence, gore, blood, swordplay, samurai flashbacks, revenge and resurrection. Its fantastic.

If you have not yet seen Versus, go out immediately and watch it. If you have seen it, watch it again.

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